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Obaa Yaa
Obaa Yaa Frimpong
Chairperson, NPP-USA


In the heart of Ghana, dreams emerge with a determined people, with the zeal and passion to break boundaries within that lies the soul of our nation's future!

At the forefront of this journey stands the New Patriotic Party, a beacon of hope, progress, and unwavering dedication to serve the Ghanaian people with a vision that transcends boundaries. The New Patriotic Party believes in the power of a resolute spirit, unity, innovation, and inclusivity to drive positive change.

Yes! #ItIsPossible to forge a path towards prosperity, where every citizen has equal opportunity to thrive and contribute to a brighter tomorrow.

This vision cannot materialize without your genuine support. Together, we can turn aspirations into achievements, challenges into triumphs, and dreams into realities. By joining hands with the New Patriotic Party, you're not just donating to a Campaign; you're investing in the future of Ghana. Let us stand shoulder to shoulder, as we pave the way for a nation where hope knows no bounds, and progress no limits.

With your generous contributions, we can build a Ghana where every voice is heard, every dream is nurtured, and every citizen thrives. Thank you.

God Bless you for your support. #ItIsIndeedPossiblewithGodandwithyoursupport

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NPP-USA for Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia
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